Kolin Krewinkel

Software Engineer

  1. Facebook


    In the summer of 2014, I'll be interning with Facebook's iOS Engineering team.

    Working with some of the most skilled in the industry, I'll have a hand in crafting products that reach hundreds of millions of people.

  2. Stream

    for iPhone.

    Handcrafted with Christian Dalonzo, Stream was one of the first clients for App.net on iOS.

    Starting from November of 2012, hundreds of hours were poured in, refining views and iterating over countless proposed concepts. Focused on a rapid launch, strategic decisions were made to prevent feature-creep and develop a complex application in the span of months.

    With high performance, revolutionary interactions, and a beautiful design, Stream redefined the App.net client-landscape.

    From a development standpoint, the app strongly emphasizes uses of Core Data, and Core Text.

  3. Current

    for iOS.

    Productivity was and continues to be a divided landscape. In 2011, Christian Dalonzo and I attempted to change that.

    Prototyping, designing, and partially implementing apps for iOS, Mac, and the web, Current ultimately fell victim to lack of time and the force of competition. It was, however, a wonderful exercise in collaboration and handling consumer interest.

    Additionally, it utilized iOS and Mac framework technique alongside node.js server development and administration.

  4. KKGridView

    Open source grid for iOS.

    A trifecta.
    Developers, meet grid view.
    Grid view, meet 60 FPS.